Institute of Urbanism (IoU) was established in April 2019 as a result of a citizen’s movement called Reclaiming Green Islamabad (RGI). The movement came into existence in 2015 as a reaction to the rapid road infrastructure development in the city of Islamabad which resulted in cutting of the old trees, reduction of green and open spaces and poor air quality. RGI staged several public demonstrations and also filed several public litigations against the cutting of trees and reduced balance between green and grey in the city. The movement was able to acquire recognition and laid a foundation in the city for participatory governance around urban environmental issues. The media and citizen’s alliance helped in shelving various infrastructure projects which were in conflict with the principles of environmental conservation.
RGI has become an important stakeholder when it comes to development projects in the city. Therefore, in order to organize the social capital created by RGI and for a structured approach to sustainable urban development, it was deemed necessary to initiate a policy research institute; a think tank that could provide empirical data to influence policy options and propel social actions for improved urban governance that considers environment as an integral part of the planning process. With this context, IoU was registered under the Trust Registration Act 1882.
Ensure resource conservation, adopt innovative solutions, and build synergies amongst stakeholders for nature-centric and just urban development
Nature inclusive urban settings
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