Pakistan has consistently ranked among the top 10 most vulnerable countries to the impact of climate change. The social, economic, and environmental setbacks due to climate-induced disasters are expected to get worse under the business-as-usual pathways. The key to finding solutions to climate problems is innovation. With over 64 percent of the population below the age of 30, Pakistan has a major demographic advantage that can be capitalized to transition towards a climate-resilient country. Engagement of youth in green innovative enterprises would give momentum to the process of eco-system restoration, provide solutions for responsible resource-use, and sensitize the society at large for the need for environmental protection. It will also lower youth unemployment and channelize their energies in gainful activities; thus contributing to positive social and economic spill-over effects.
Moreover, it will ensure the inclusion of youth’s voice in designing a climate-compatible future, which is integral for the social and economic wellbeing of this sizeable segment of the population. To this end, IoU aims to:
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